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  • 作家相片asia iplac


傳統上許多人認為,取得非本國的專業培訓證明,就是取得了國際證照 但實際上,這僅屬於“他國證照”非本國證照To edit the way your blog feed looks on your site, hover over your blog feed and click on Design. Here, you can pick from different layouts. If you add a blog feed section to a different page on your website, you can pick a design that’s different from your main blog page.

Edit what info and details your blog feed displays by clicking on Settings (look for the 3 dot icon).

From the Settings panel, Wix Blog lets you hide or display the author name and picture, date and reading time, views, comments and likes counter. Toggle between the options and view your changes in real time.

If your blog is connected to a Members Area, you’ll want to make sure the Login button is visible to users. To send automatic email notifications to blog subscribers every time there’s a new post, turn on the email notification option on your Settings panel. Start managing your blog posts by clicking on Manage Posts once you’re happy with your blog settings.

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ESG永續發展協會 公開徵求招募會員

主  旨:發起人 章鈿 已經向內政部提出申請籌組「ESG永續發展協會社會團體,茲公開徵求會員。 公告事項: 一、 社會團體宗旨: 協助企業發展 E環境,S社會,G公司治理 可以永續經營的指標及決策。 二、 入會資格: 凡贊同本會宗旨、具有對ESG永續經營有興趣的個人(或投入熱忱者)。 三、 申請截止日期: 即日起,至中華民國111年10月26日止。 四、 聯絡方式: (一)地址:106臺北

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